Saturday Qigong Classes
Taoist Qigong Classes are offered weekly on Saturday's at 2:00pm. Beginners are welcome. This is a one hour class outdoors on our meditation deck. It is best to wear loose clothing suitable for outdoor exercise and comfortable shoes. Please sign up by clicking the link below. If you don't have a login, it's easy to register by clicking the link below and enter a name and email address. The cost is $15 per class. Just select Book a Class, then select the class on the calendar and click on that appointment. The class will show up on the right hand side when you click it, select Next, and any notes, then select Book Now and complete the payment process.

What is Qigong?
There is no short answer to this question. Qigong is an ancient self cultivation practice using breath and movement, either external movement or internal movement, combined with mental focus to achieve a goal. There are various types of qigong and the type that I teach is primarily for health and longevity. The best way to learn more is to take a class or view one of my instructional videos.

What are the classes like?
Each class opens with a warm up exercise, then we go through a sequence together, then we perform closing exercises that prevent the loss of teh qi that you we just activated. That is the basic outline for each class.