Energetic Blocks - Introducing 5 Element Acupuncture

Energetic Blocks - Introducing 5 Element Acupuncture

The ancient origin of Chinese medicine goes back to a time when all medicine was performed by shamans. In ancient Chinese culture these shamans were developing what is known as Taoism, or following the way of nature, using a very complex system of calculations based on astrological phenomena as well as seasonal & environmental changes. They understood the human body to be a microcosm of all that exists in the cosmos.This corresponds with the discovery of the acupuncture meridians and acupoints which are still in use today in this living and ever evolving ancient medicine. Practitioners of Chinese medicine study the classical tests which speak to us from the distant past to guide us on how to affect the structure that circulates through our body, that animates the soul, and that provides the functional capability for all the physically manifested systems that we count on every waking moment of our lives, in other words - qi. We are instructed to ensure that the qi flow in the channels does not stagnate or become blocked because this will weaken our structure and cause decline, and eventually death. Practitioners of the 5 Element system assert that death always comes as one of the energetic blocks that we are tasked to clear when encountering a new patient. These blocks are caused by shocking events, significant pathogenic invasion, emotional traumas, etc, and they can be cleared with intentional acupuncture techniques. This is like clearing out the effects of experiences on our deepest levels that we have little control over, to empower greater and greater levels of choice by removing obstacles that may not be accessible to conscious awareness. This empowers us to grow beyond our current limitations because we have freed our energetic resources to once again serve our highest good. Acupuncture for energetic blocks
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